Tag Archives: low carb diet

Here Is How You Can Lose Weight In A Week!

The excitement of upcoming festivals, vacations or family gatherings and weddings often put us to a somewhat worried state of mind. Ring a bell? As soon as we see an event approaching, we start planning our outfits and looks because of course, we all want to look our best at these events and seek compliments from […]

Health Benefits Of Planned Weight Loss Diet | Possible

Planned diet for healthy weight shed

When you start thinking about reducing your weight, you imagine a phase where you nearly have to deprive yourself from the most amazing foods and be on diet. This perception about weight loss is wrong and should be changed. Weight loss is not that hard, rather it just requires a proper planning and a commitment […]

10 Food Myths About Healthy Eating Ready To Be Busted


A lot has been said about healthy eating and dietary changes that lead to a healthier lifestyle. But not everything that you read and watch is true. We tend to follow miscellaneous dietary counsel, like following a new diet plan or eating just salad or options like intermittent fasting which can be harmful in the […]

Is a no carb diet a good idea? | Possible

truweight is possible now

For all the fitness junkies, it’s definitely a big no to anything that causes a spike in the blood sugar level. Once thing that we know for sure is that eating carbohydrates causes our blood sugar to increase. One can’t deny that fact that carbohydrates are essential for us but too much of carbs can certainly […]

Low Carb Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Medically reviewed by  Ashwathy V. Pillai,  Postgraduate Degree in Dietetics & Applied Nutrition When you are looking to drop excess fat, eating low carb foods is the fastest way to do it. They let you enjoy tasty meals minus the punch of weight increasing carbohydrates. It is no secret for the people on ‘Weight Loss Mission’, that […]

10 High Protein Rich Foods & Role of Protein in Weight Loss

High protein foods

Medical Reviewed by Darshita Thakkar, Masters in Clinical NutritionWe all know that a protein rich food diet helps in weight loss and hence always aims to have more and more of it in our meals. But, have you ever paused and wondered about the importance of protein in the diet? Table of Contents: Importance of […]

4 Phases of Atkins Diet You Should Totally Know | Possible

truweight is possible now

The Atkins diet follows a low-carbohydrate diet, which is usually beneficial for people looking to lose weight. This diet propagates the theory that you can consume as much protein and fat as you want and restrict your carbohydrate intake to achieve weight loss. This diet was formulated by a physician named Dr. Robert C. Atkins. […]

Low-Carbohydrate Diet – Here Is All You Need To About It

Low Carb Diet

Importance of the right diet cannot be denied in your weight loss journey and that is where in our search for the “right diet”, low-carbohydrate diet ranks quite high on the list. Over the years, weight watchers have paid special emphasis on low-carbohydrate diet and thus, In this article, we are going to tell you […]

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